From a Charlevoix High School Class of 2020 Student:
St. Mary School has benefitted me throughout my life so far in so many different and amazing ways. I gained an excellent education throughout my 8 years of attending St. Mary School, and that education, encouragement and establishment of good work habits helped me do well coming into the public high school. I was very prepared and have enjoyed the challenge of taking advanced courses.
Aside from the education standpoint, the school itself taught me valuable life lessons and key points to becoming the best man that I can be. I was always the student with a lot of energy and the teachers were very patient, but firm, which is exactly what I needed. I was taught how to be polite, to work hard, and to respect my peers and teachers. I was taught to always keep God at the root of everything I do and am. I try to be respectful and non-judgmental and kind to everyone, as those are part of the teachings I have learned.
I am very thankful for the opportunity to learn about Christ through my school, and to have an education that is centered around Him. St. Mary School has mead me into the focused, college-bound young man that I am today.
From a Pre K Parent:
Thank you for everything! Our son has grown more in his academics than is brothers at his age. He also grew up knowing more about the God we serve and also Jesus and his kindness every day! I would do it all over again if given the chance! You and the school were and will be a part of our lives and memories forever! Your reputation of helping kids academically, physically and spiritually continues to supersede all expectations!!
Keep doing what you are doing! May God continue to provide you and everyone there with so many blessings to continue to grow HIS children along his path!
From a K/1 Parent:
There are so many amazing qualities about St Mary’s it’s hard to name only a few. Besides the most important aspect that God is present in the classroom, the kids feel so much love from the teachers and staff. St. Mary’s isn’t just a school to us, it’s another family in a sense and my children’s home away from home. From their first day at the school, I’ve felt a sense of peace as a parent knowing my kids are in a loving, nurturing, safe, godly environment. I know they are getting an amazing education while keeping God at the center. We couldn’t be happier!
From a Parent with Students in Several Grades:
We love the St. Mary school family and its focus on moral thinking and development. We love how much you and the staff make us feel that you care so deeply.
Thank you for all you do and all St. Mary School represents. It’s a light in this community in so many ways. We love you!
From 8th Grade Student Catherine – Catholic Schools Week January 2020:
I feel that the foundation that I have received at St. Mary is one that will last me a lifetime. At St. Mary I receive an incredible education, one that is more than just books and tests. Education comes from Latin E and ducere, which translates to lead forth. This prompts the question, to what? At. St. Mary the answer is simple, God. St. Mary is empowering students to know, love, and serve God.
We have incredible teachers who are excellent role models for us and the small class sizes make for more individual attention and closer friendships. The friends that I have made at St. Mary will be with me forever.
I am so thankful for everything that St. Mary has given me and I know that it will impact my future. This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, a week when we get to celebrate our school and everything amazing about it. Please keep us in your prayers.
Email from a Middle School Parent after COVID Closure:
Thank you for all you’re doing – it’s impressive how quickly and well everyone transitioned to this online learning experience. You are treasures during this time!
Our kids have been enjoying many of the assignments – thank you for your creativity and for pushing them with writing.
Again, thank you for all you’re doing in this pinch. You are heroes to us!
From Parent of Two Children at St. Mary School:
I am SO thankful we are staying in school – my girls LOVE St. Mary’s! Thank you for keeping St. Mary’s a safe place for our children!