At A Glance
- Opened 1906
- Enrollment 91
- Accredation: Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools
Faculty Overview
- 100% of our teachers have earned a higher education degree
- Administrative team with 20+ years of experience
- Teacher classroom aides
- Enrichment teachers and resource support available to assist students in grades K-8
Instructional Ratio (Average)
- Grades K-8: 15:1
- Preschool: 10:1

St. Mary School curriculum encompasses language arts, mathematics, science, history, geography, fine arts, music and physical education. This curriculum goes beyond the state mandated curriculum, as well as the Common Core state standards, by providing a cumulative, coherent and content specific foundation of knowledge and understanding that continues to build every year in each grade level. All areas have a Catholic social and historical teaching component with solid, sequenced, specific and shared knowledge empowering our students for life and eternity!

Catholic Identity
- Daily morning prayer and scripture readings
- Weekly student-led Mass
- Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
- Sacrament of Reconciliation available weekly
- Classroom prayer throughout the day
- Partner with parents in faith formation
- Annual faith-based retreats for grades 6-8 and staff
- Catholic Schools Week celebration
- School-wide service projects
Middle School Travel Opportunities
- Year A – To Know – 2020 Trip to Washington DC
- Year B – To Love – 2022 Pilgrimage to Italy
- Year C – To Serve – 2019 Mission Trip to Pennsylvania with Team Effort Missions.
Athletics & Enrichment Programs
- Middle School Cross Country with St. Michael Academy
- Basketball Club
- Track and Field with St. Michael Academy
- Award Winning Art Program
- Spanish Immersion
- Cooking Club
- Running Club