Congratulations to Morgan on winning 2nd place at the National level of the Garden Clubs Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest! We are proud of her accomplishment and all of our Amazing Artists at St. Mary School, with inspiration from their teacher Ms. Bolt! Please see below for the letter that Morgan received!
Dear Morgan,
Thank you so much for participating in the National Garden Clubs Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest. It is my pleasure and honor to congratulate you for earning the Michigan Garden Clubs, First Grade, Second Place Award for your poster. On behalf of the Michigan Garden Clubs and National Garden Club, I appreciate the time and effort you took to create your poster.
We are so proud of you, your work, and how well you represented your school and Michigan with this project. Keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing your entry next year as a 2nd Grader.
Congratulations and Best wishes!
Janet C. Hickman, President
Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.