Jean Day: Next Friday will have another Jean Day. The students who bring in a pair of adult socks may wear jeans and any Christmas shirt. The socks will be donated. Thank you for teaching your children to give those in need.
Spaghetti Dinner: St. Mary School is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser TONIGHT from 5pm to 7pm. The meal will be take out only.
Friday, December 18 our student will be eating in their classrooms. Please send a cold lunch that does not need to be microwaved, if possible.
Music Program: Mr. Carrano is working on taping our students for our Christmas program. He plans to have it ready for press after next week.
Advent: This Sunday is Guadete Sunday. Gaudete is a Latin word that means “rejoice!” The candle on our Advent Wreath for this week is rose colored rather than purple. This is meant to lift our spirits and rejoice. Each week we light an additional candle. The light gradually increases as we move toward the coming of Jesus, the Light of the World. Happy Advent! Help needed: We are still looking for help on Fridays for lunch duty. Also, next week, we could use an extra person on Tuesday and Wednesday. Reservations for Christmas Masses: You may call the office to make reservations for Christmas Mass.
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