Wreaths: There was a profit of $5,279 from our wreath fundraiser- thank you to all who sold wreaths!
Jean Day: Next Friday will be our next jean day for the Charlevoix Community Food Pantry. The students who bring in an item for the Charlevoix Community Food Pantry may wear jeans and any St. Mary shirt. Thank you for teaching your children the joy of giving.
Spaghetti Dinner: St. Mary School is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Friday, December 11 from 5pm to 7pm. The meal will be take out only. We are looking for help. If you have a student in grades 5-8, please contact us to sign up.
Note from Mrs. Gengle: (for Catholic Students) The First Reconciliation Preparation Class will also meet on Dec. 6th between 9:15am-10:45am. Sacrament Preparation for First Eucharist and Confirmation will meet on Sunday, Dec. 13th from 9:15am-10:45am. For questions regarding Faith Formation or Sacramental Preparation, please contact Elizabeth Gengle at the parish office or by emailing egengle@stmaryschoolcharlevoix.org. May you have a blessed Advent.
December 11: Please mark your calendar – there is no bussing available on this day. The public school has a remote learning day and busses will not be running. We will have school that day as normal.
Immaculate Conception Mass: On December 8 we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a title that recognized that Mary came into the world free from sin. Her sinless nature helps Jesus to redeem humanity. Please join us for Mass at 9:00am. This day is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics (as well as every Sunday.)
Notice: Even though our school does not contain asbestos materials, in compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1990, we have an asbestos management plan on file in the school administrative office. Everyone is welcome to view these at any time during normal school hours. The Diocese of Gaylord is available to answer any questions you may have. They may be reached at (989) 732-5417 Help needed: We are still looking for help on Fridays for lunch duty. Also, next week, we could use an extra person on Tuesday and Wednesday.
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