It is important as a family that you talk about the acceptance of other people’s opinions. During this election time, we do not always see this portrayed in the news. We, as Christians, know that God created each of us and gave us a free will to think and do what we believe is right. Please help us to teach your children this!
Report Cards/Parent Teacher Conferences: Today ends our first marking period. Reports will go home on Monday, November 2. Conferences will be held on Monday, November 16 from 12-6p.m. Please call Mindy to schedule your appointment (547-9441). Anyone who has not scheduled their conference by Nov. 12 will be assigned a time.
Bussing: Bussing will not be available until November 17. The Charlevoix Elementary School has gone to remote learning until November 16.
Daylight Savings time: Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. Don’t forget to fall back!
Wreaths: Please continue to sell wreaths. This fundraiser ends November 11th. Please help us to make this a successful fundraiser by selling as many wreaths as you can. The money raised by fundraising helps us to keep our tuition costs down. This year the wreaths will be provided by Bill’s Farm Market in Petoskey. There are pictures on our Facebook page if you would like to see what they look like.
Picture Re-takes: Geskus will be here on Thursday, November 12 for school picture retakes. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken, please let Mrs. Joy and their teachers know and send the first set of photographs.
COVID: If someone tests positive for COVID, our Health Department will do contact tracing. If there is a risk of exposure for anyone at St. Mary School, they will contact Mrs. Dvoracek. Parents will be notified if their child has been affected. If anyone has been within 6 feet of the infected person for a cumulative time of 15 minutes or more within a 24 hour period, they will be required to quarantine. The Health Department gives us the names of people at SMS who must quarantine and for how long. If you child is affected, we will provide work for your child to continue learning.