Bus Change: There is no busing available on Friday, April 30th and Friday, May 28th. The public school has changed to remote learning on those days.
Hot Lunch Change: Mrs. Mailloux has changed lunch for Tuesday to Walking Tacos (not tacos).
Registration Please turn in completed registration forms as soon as possible. It helps us to better prepare for the next school year.
Family Event: The Charlevoix Rod and Gun Club will host its annual Youth Day on Saturday, May 1. Bring your children and enjoy a fun filled afternoon with fishing, shooting sports and all kinds of other activities. They also offer a light lunch. All youth must be accompanied by an adult. This is a free event. Go to www.charlevoixrodandgun.com or call 231-547-2785 for more information.
Career Academy for Kids online registration began April 19th. Summer enrichment classes designed for students currently enrolled in grades 2nd-8th. Cost is $80 and includes breakfast, lunch and a t-shirt. Classes are June 22-24 from 9-2:30 and at two locations: Harbor Springs Middle School and Boyne Falls School. Registration deadline May 21st. Check out the fun opportunities at charemisd.org.
The Young Americans are offering their Performing Arts Summer Camp. For more information or to register go to youngamericans.org/summercamps.