End of the Year Picnic: On Thursday, June 3, we will have a potluck picnic for students and parents at Michigan Beach. We will leave the school at 9:30am to walk to Michigan Beach. Lunch is at 11:30. Students may leave after the picnic or can return to the school. End of the day bussing and extended care is available on that day. The school will supply the meat, buns, place settings and drinks; Parents are asked to bring a dish to pass based on your name in the alphabet:
Last Name A-G : Chips and Dip H-S: Salad T-Z: Dessert
We need parent volunteers to help with the picnic!
Please take your leftovers/dishes with you when you leave.
Northern Lights Fundraiser: We are asking each school family to contribute a $25 gift card to a local restaurant or store. Gift cards can be purchased and brought in anytime between now and June 1! Sign-up sheets for class baskets are attached. Please take a look to see what item(s) you are able to donate.
Scholarship Forms: Applications for Angel Tuition Scholarships are available. The due date is June 1. Please contact Mrs. Dvoracek if you would like an application.
Bus Change: There is no busing available on Friday, May 28th. The public school has a remote learning day.
Summer activities: Check out www.cityofcharlevoix.org or call 547-3252 for information about registering your child for Camp McSauba, Junior Golf or other activities. Career Academy for Kids: Summer enrichment classes designed for students currently enrolled in grades 2nd-8th. Cost is $80 and includes breakfast, lunch and a t-shirt. Classes are June 22-24 from 9-2:30 and at two locations: Harbor Springs Middle School and Boyne Falls School. Registration deadline May 21st. charemisd.org. The Young Americans are offering their Performing Arts Summer Camp. For more information or to register go to youngamericans.org/summercamps.