September 25th Parent Letter

Bulb Fundraiser: This is the last weekend to sell. The Bulb Sale ends Monday, September 28th. Please turn in your order forms and money Monday. Every fundraiser is used to fund your child’s education, helping to keep our tuition affordable.

Picture Day: School pictures will be taken Monday, September 28. Flyers should have gone home with your child. I have extra forms in my office if you need one. You may place orders by filling out an order form or online at Our schools code is 651IELJSHPIQH. Retakes are scheduled for November 12.

Take your Bible to School Day: Thursday, October 1 is Bring Your Bible To School Day. On this day, thousands of students across the county will share God’s hope and celebrate religious freedom by doing something so simple, yet powerful. We are very blessed that we can do this daily!

Keep Up To Date: Check out our website: at to keep up to date on events and other news. Please join St. Mary School Families for notifications. Sign up or on your phone: Enter the number 81010 and text this message: @1005bridge.

Volunteers: We need volunteers for homework help on Wednesdays from September 30 to October 21. Out staff has training on those days. Also in need of regular helpers for extended care. If you are able to help, please let us know.

Box Tops: Be on the lookout for Box Top Labels. There is an app that you can download. Just scan your receipt and the app tracks the box tops for you!

Month of the Most Holy Rosary: During the month of October, students will be praying the Rosary before every student Mass at 8:05. The school will provide the rosaries or children may bring their own. If your schedule allows, there is no better way to start your day than to attend the children’s Mass.